Pat's Story*
Shared at a United Church event. Pat* is a minister and senior citizen.
I just came out this weekend, here, after we voted to become Affirming. I said to people at my table, "I'm sorry I didn't trust you enough to tell you the truth about how I've been feeling my whole life.”
I’ve always felt like a boy. I remember playing with a knife at summer camp and getting teased. The girls would mock me, "Is that a girl or a boy?”, they'd say. I yelled back in response: "I'm 75% boy!” I’ve always felt really happy and more comfortable in boys clothing.
After I shared this story from my childhood, my psychologist said in disbelief—or belittling—asking me with surprise: "That still bothers you?!” All these years, I wish someone would have listened to me and taken me seriously.
*Names and identifying details have been changed, upon request. Shared with permission of "Pat".