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Our living God is against same-sex marriage

The following is my reply to the invitation to share stories and experiences when The United Church of Canada affirmed same gender participation into the life and ministry of the church.

I remember when one of our ministers returned from General Council in Vancouver–– 1988 ––and announced from the pulpit that the United Church of Canada now affirms that sexual orientation is not a barrier installation and ministry of the church.

We were surprised that sexual orientation would be recognized independently. The parts that shocked us was that same gender weddings could now to be performed in our churches unless the church board or the minister objected.

You see, my husband and I were raised in families that believe in the Bible which is God's inspired word… Presbyterian and Methodist. We believe what God has spoken through his word and you will find his thoughts and words in the following Scripture passages in the Bible regarding homosexuality.

  • Jude (who was a brother of Jesus) 1:7

  • Romans 1:18-32

  • 1 Corintians 6:9-11

  • 1 Timothy 1:9-11

  • Matthew 10:15 …connect this with Genesis Chapter 19… read the entire chapter… Jeuss talked about Sodem and Gamorrah. God destroyed both these cities because they had become so wicked. Jesus considered homosexuality a sin. Therefore, how can anyone ask God's blessing honest same gender couple in a wedding ceremony?

My husband and I we're married in [our] United Church in [rural Ontario] in 1949 by [our minister]. Our children were christened here and both of them were married in this church. Over the years [my husband] served as an elder, usher, lay minister and scout troop leader. I have been the organist of our church and was the leader of our U.C.W. the last seven years until it closed. I have been a member of our church prayer ministry for several years now. Our living God is against same-sex marriage as he has stated. He calls it a sin.

It was God who created us––male and female. Adam and Eve were are our first parents. When they disobeyed God—God turned them out of the garden of Eden… As time passed, people became so sinful that God decided to make a new covenant with his people. He sent His Son into the world to teach people about God's plan of salvation. Jesus became the sacrifice for our sins when he gave up His life on the Cross. Whoever believes in Him and His Word and practices it will spend eternity with Jesus and our Heavenly Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has a plan for each one of us and it is perfect. I want to spend eternity with Him and all my family.

There were people who left the United Church of Canada because of the decision made by General Council 30 years ago. However, my husband and I decided to stay to speak out when ever God gave us the opportunity. I believe this to be one of those times. I believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why doesn't our church? However, God is the final judge. I love all my church family and I thank God for them everyday. Some of them are homosexual, but I regard that as a personal period

MAY I CONTINUE… Last Sunday, January 14th, 2108, [our minister] gave a wonderful sermon. Yes, we are all God’s children! God created each one of us. Some of us are different and there is a reason. I’m reminded of the struggles people with addictions of alcohol and drugs go through. Two of my family have been in recovery for several years and say, "We will always be in recovery". They have been through hell and the back… The moment by moment struggles they have gone through. It is terrible terribly difficult to change your wave living. However, you could not find two more dedicated and committed believers in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Is their faith and belief that only Jesus can give you the strength to come through life challenges. It is literally a Journey of Faith. I love them dearly. My prayers have been and are being answered. I give god all the praise and Thanksgiving. I think those people who have had my family and me on their prayer list for years. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!

Only God knows why we were born differently. Through my experience I can understand how difficult life can be, but I’m still learning to give everything over to God at my age—I’ll soon be 94 years old. Prayer is the only way to live and have a relationship with Jesus. I ask to live out His Plan for me through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Again, thank you for providing this opportunity to tell my story. May God continue to Bless us All in the ways He knows best.

Signed, B.

January 20, 2018

[Identifying details have been changed. Shared with permission. Photo credit: Wix stock photography.]

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