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Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open doors.

I have always struggled with the concept of “Sunday Christian”; those people that come to a place of worship, stay for the service, act piously and then when we meet on Tuesday, are completely different people than on Sunday. Their reactions to many situations are *not* Christian, breaking commandments or judging those they interact with harshly or in the most un-Christian manner possible. I understand they are human, as am I, but it still rankles!

My belief set has always been that of universal love and acceptance and never could reconcile how my interpretation could be so different than theirs. Now that doesn’t mean I’m always in the right but know that I have a guiding set to love through life, knowing that I can ask for and receive grace for my transgressions just by asking.

I hope that those affected (on both sides of the issue) can act in the spirit of forgiveness and know that humans are fallible and sometimes act in an un-Christian manner.

As a body, it seems that the current and lasting UCC body is eager to embrace all types of gender identifying and sexual choices.

My hope is that those who seek the validation and acceptance of their life choices will find a warm and welcoming spiritual family to support and uplift them in their journey. As people of the Living Church, it’s all we can hope for.

Open Hearts.

Open Minds.

Open Doors.


(Shared with permission. Photo: Wix.)

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