How long will we continue to discriminate
How long will we continue to discriminate against the LGBTQ community. Why can we not just Love everyone. This should be easy to do. In...
29 years ago, The United Church of Canada did something historic when it voted not to exclude gay and lesbian people from eligibility for ministry and membership. This vote was celebrated by many and brought communities together. At the same time, this vote proved deeply divisive for some communities. Iridesce is asking people to reflect on this time and this decision throughout our history.
Collected here are reflections, stories and community art that reflects our time of personal and community remembering, acknowledging, lament and sharing around topics of LGBTQ2+ experience in The United Church of Canada, from the time of our 1988 vote, through 'the issue years', up until today. You are welcome and invited to share about your experiences too.
add your voice to the conversation.
To contribute your perspective or experience: write, make a video, create draw, paint, collage, collect artifacts… it’s up to you.
Email your contribution to livingapology@gmail.com along with a signed consent form. Download the form: PDF or .docx
Stories can be as anonymous (or not) as you prefer, and will never be shared without your clear consent.