Family does not accept, but know the United Church does
Dear United Church, I am pleased that 1988 happened. It led to a lot of controversy. Glad of the apology. Have young people in my church...

Dear Ken, I read your story...
Dear Ken, I read your story — your and John’s story — and I am overwhelmed. It was as if all the “rules of civility,” all the respect and...

On the sub-committee
I was there in 1988 and I remember that there were only three of us on the sub-committee of the Church Board who studied the issue to...

Hope for the Future
When you watch your children grow up in the church they should be accepted unconditionally in their adult lives. This is my hope for the...

Gay and Able to Minister
The story made me remember what my father said about ministers who were gay even before 1988 and in ministry with a congregation who did...

I am still here. I am still faithful.
I remember... Theological school... ...the last semester and reading/hearing about the movements against the church if it accepted...

The hurts of white patriarchal culture
I was not ‘there’ in 1988, wherever that location was; neither General Council, pastoral charges, boards or sessions. I was not in a...

The Can of Worms
I was there in 1988 and my first thought was, “Do we really have to open this can of worms?” I believed that it was not an issue that...

About minorities
Dear United Church, As a person who identifies as part of the LGBT community, I want you to know how much I appreciate the efforts taken...

Sad for my grandchildren
I am sad that my grandchildren are being raised in a Baptist home. They are taught that homosexuality is a sin, that homosexual person...