Skylar's Thoughts
As a person in the Lgbtx2 community, I feel our church is very accepting and welcoming. We have had drag shows to raise money for...

We should have been friends.
Full disclosure: I am a white-straight-male in my 60's. The most vilified and blamed group for all the problems that have come to be in...

I am pan-romantic
I am Pan-romantic Demisexual and I wish I could share that the churches I have been a part of have not only accepted me, but loved and...

About minorities
Dear United Church, As a person who identifies as part of the LGBT community, I want you to know how much I appreciate the efforts taken...

Where were you?
God where were you when we your people, your GLBTQ brothers and sisters were being persecuted because they loved differently? Where were...

We Have Not Listened, Not heard
Dear LGBTQ people, I’m so sorry for the way we in the church have not listened not heard not understood not stood with you not become...

This Issue / Dear LGBTQ People / A Lament
I wish this issue I wish this issue would come to a place of love, forgiveness and total healing. I wish that we would all just love one...

A response to "I learned love and faith were always okay and beautiful"
Dear Anonymous (writer of I learned love and faith were always okay and beautiful), First of all, thank you for sharing your story with...

UCC not a real church?
I only have 2 close friends that frequently attend a church other than my own. Because of this, we do not generally talk about religion...

Proud of my son
I wish I knew how to say how proud and inspired I am of my family and close friends, but especially of my son. He is so brave, so...