Learning the history was enlightening
Dear United Church, After today’s workshop, I am more discouraged than ever about the future of our church. I heard the recent (!)...
How to make an apology
United Church, I feel an apology is owed to all ‘gay’ people, however I feel that only the churches that are Affirming should make an...
Written Response to Iridesce
Thanks for the opportunity to meet. I found this was a helpful experience. I have been to lots of workshops and activities on the...
Avoid being judgemental about 1988
Avoid being judgemental about 1988 from our 2017 perspective. Energy needs to be put into moving and educating more congregations to live...
Apology and the Community of Concern
Dear United Church, The thing that hurt the most was the way our minister, in Ottawa, a member of the Community of Concern, manipulated...
You said I would never be alone
How do I heal without my Christian church brothers and sisters? You said I would never be alone. You welcomed me into your church then...
I am moved to advocacy
As an ally, to hear the stories, stories that touch me, beyond the ‘head’, in my heart… I am moved to advocacy. I continue to realize...
At the congregational level something has to change
As a queer youth in the United Church I want the church to know that it has made progress however we still have some way to go. The...
A word collage: LGBTQ+ Appreciation
A word collage: LGBTQ+ LOVE / Hope / Prayer / Equality / Miraculous Acceptance / Support / Unity / Faith / Community / Wonderful Worship...
I strongly believe that an apology is long due
Dear United Church, I’m writing to inform you that I strongly believe that an apology is long due to the Indigenous and LGBTQ+ community...